Artist and Author

I have been an artist all of my life. I have done many things, including plein air painting out in nature, intaglio printmaking and engraving, product design, outdoor murals, rustic furniture, digital graphics, illustration, and web design. I have done a little of everything artistically. Even though my main focus is now C# software architecture and database management, I still use my graphic design skills in everything I code and build. There is a vital connection between good software architecture and art. The best software in the world is built by artistic people. Look at the designs behind the first iPhone and its innovative UI interface. That is why I make sure I design or have input on both the code structure and the user interface that supports each digital system I engineer. The left and right brain effect are equally strong in everything I create.


In October of 2015 I published my first novel – Phantammeron Book One – after taking several years to organize the massive notes and outlines for the series which I had started back in 1989.

The Phantammeron is a mythopoeia, a form of poetic writing and expression that explores personal myth-making and the fantasy experience. I plan to publish many more books in the series based on the Phantammeron world as time permits. I look forward to completing the series in the years ahead. Writing has become for me a new form of “creative expression” and art that extends much deeper into my imagination and spirit than either digital technology or the visual arts has ever been able to do.



Below are sample images from my days as a rustic artist and painter, when I used to design furniture art based on the lost but not forgotten Great American Frontier. You will find images of my logos, product designs, labels, and fine art oil paintings in the gallery below.